Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Can I get a witness?

A mother will work three jobs and leave her kids with their grandparents for extended hours, just to make a way. She will stay on her grind, slide up and down poles and even say "Welcome to Burger King", one thousand times in one day just to buy her kids what they need.

Most of the men I know; with the exception of a few work a b.s. job for a substantial amount of years. They stay at that job making minimum wage because it allows them to live for that next week until they get their next check. Notice I said it "allows them". These men do not concern themselves with the cost of raising healthy kids. They assume paying child support is to help you out not the children.

I personally cannot think of a time that the little money I recieved allowed me to have any of the pleasures of my heart. In a years time I have gotten a whopping $250 from my daughters dad. Oh, and not all at one time. Ladies, that means for one year he gave me 0.684932 cents per day to help me take care of our daughter. Hmmmm. . .

Why am I complaining though yall?! Thank God for this contribution to the well being of my child! Whatever would I have done for clothes, food, Christmas, her birthday, shelter, and the list goes on. Looks like he calculated the expenses accurately to ensure I didn't get my nails and hair "did" with the overage!

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